To ensure the safety of all students and staff, please follow these procedures:
Review the map. NOTE: There are two entrances.
- The first parking lane is a "NO drive-through or drop-off zone." This lane is for buses only.
- If you park to drop your child off, you must walk them to the sidewalk. Students cannot be in the parking lot unattended. This creates unnecessary danger.
- If you walk/park to drop off or pick up your student, you must stay in the designated area, by the bike racks, and a staff member will assist you.
​Morning Drop-off Procedures
Doors open at 8:05 for breakfast, all other students enter at 8:15.
- Designated Drop-Off Zone: We have designated a specific area for drop-off in the front circle driveway. Please follow the signs and instructions from staff members to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.
- Stay in Vehicle: For the safety of all students, we kindly ask you to remain in your vehicle while dropping off your student. Our staff will be present to assist students in exiting the vehicle on the right side of the car, please. If you decide you want to walk your student up, please park in the last two parking lanes.
- Quick Farewell: While we understand the importance of saying goodbye, we encourage you to keep farewells brief to avoid any congestion in the drop-off zone.
- Timely Arrival: To ensure your child has ample time to reach their classroom and settle in before classes begin, we recommend arriving at school no later than 8:25.
Afternoon Pick Up Procedures
Dismissal is promptly at 3:00 PM. Please be on time as all school staff have many obligations after 3:00.
- Name Signs: On the first day of school, your student received a color-coded (by grade) sign for your vehicle. The sign will list your student's name, grade, and teacher. If you pick up your student, please have this in the front passenger window of your vehicle. Let us know if you need another copy.
- Designated Pick-Up Zone: The designated pick-up area will be the same as the drop-off zone in the front circle drive. Please follow the signs and staff instructions.
- Stay in Vehicle: To maintain an orderly dismissal process, we ask that you remain in your vehicle. Our staff will help students enter the vehicles safely. If you need to buckle your student in, please park and walk up to get them.
- Authorized Pick-Up: Please ensure that anyone who is authorized to pick up your child is listed on the school's authorized pick-up list. If there are any changes, please inform the school office.
- Patience and Courtesy: We kindly request your patience and understanding during pick-up, especially in the first weeks of school. Please treat our staff and fellow families with courtesy.
- Other Notes: Older siblings will be allowed to go and gather their siblings when the adult arrives to pick them up. Kindergarten students dismiss from their classroom doors. These students will be held in their classroom until a parent arrives or a staff member calls for them to come out. If you are walking up to pick your child up, please wait in the designated area by the bike racks.