History of Liberty Elementary School
In 1950, land was purchased by SCM in the 600 block of East McKinley Avenue. By 1954, a grades K-6 elementary school was built on this land with eight classrooms, a gymnasium, library and offices. This school was called North Side Elementary School. Ten more classrooms were added in an east wing in 1965.
By July of 1996, plans for a new building were in the works. It remains in the same location as North Side School, just further back from McKinley Avenue. The original school remained in use while the new school was being built right behind it. In the summer of 1998, the new building was completed and the old school was demolished.
School City of Mishawaka board members chose the new name of the school. Several names were tossed about, but Liberty was the chosen one.
Liberty Elementary School opened in 1999. The entrance is marked by a welcoming row of silhouettes of children whose uplifted arms raise a vaulted canopy. The Main Commons provides a gathering space and a large gallery to display student work. Liberty is designed with “pods” of flexible space classrooms to accommodate instruction for grades K-6. Movable walls between classrooms and open space in the center of each pod provides teachers with great flexibility. Each pod has individual workrooms and smaller conference rooms for small group instruction. Two computer labs, a media center, a science lab, a music room, an art room, a gymnasium with a stage and a dining commons all make up Liberty Elementary School.
North Side Elementary School
Liberty Elementary School